A Common Framework Based on Multi-Factor Authentication to Secure Students Log in to Educational Digital Platforms

نوع المستند : أوراق عمل بحثية.


کلية التربية النوعية جامعة دمياط قسم إعداد معلم حاسب آلي


Recently, and after the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of using
educational digital platforms to expand the employment of distance education in
order to achieve safety for members of the human system in education, and on the
other hand, provide modern learning environments using interactive technologies
to enable the student and teacher to access to learning resources in any time and
from anywhere, which achieves the targeted learning outcomes in no time and with
the least effort. The current research aims to deal with educational digital platforms
and increase their effectiveness and procedures for securing their uses and dealing
with their resources through the use of the modern technology called multi-factor
authentication in order to control the access to the resources of these platforms so
that the user will have the right to access to the resources of these platforms and deal
with them by going through stages It requires providing several independent
evidences from each other that includes at least two of the following categories:
knowledge, possession, and biometric features.
Security within digital platforms and data protection is a source of great concern
to users, and this can be achieved by integrating more than one security factor to
log into these platforms and increase security in them. Therefore, there is a need to
develop a mechanism to enhance the use of multi-factor authentication within
educational digital platforms to reduce security threats , ensure confidentiality
and the safety of user data within those platforms.

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